Tag Archives: payment

Quest on, photo fellowship!

shadows, sunrise, sundown, dawn, evening

Good morning to everyone! Ernesto here. I wanted to share some of the stuff going on over in our quests, such as this gorgeous picture posted by Jean-Pierre Vu. This is for our ongoing quest for new pictures for the Instimage homepage. The current reward for this quest is $25. We love pictures. We love your pictures.

We want your pictures to be our ‘hello’ to visitors knocking on our Internet front door, and we want to pay you for that.

So will others.

That is the beauty of Instimage. One of the hardest aspects of stock photography is finding your market. We have taken care of that with our Quests. When you log on to the active quests you will see requests for exactly what businesses are looking for and how much they are going to pay you for that photograph.

Less searching. More photographing.

Follow our blog as we explore ways Instimage can help you sell your images.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr.