Tag Archives: walkthrough

What is Instimage?

Instimage is a next-generation, non-stock photography marketplace for photographers, hobbyists, and agencies.

How do you pronounce Instimage?

We pronounce it Ins – tee – mah – ge, a la French!

How does Instimage work?

What Instimage does is allow a user to create a “quest”.
Quests are requests in the form of:
“I will pay $(some amount) for a picture of (description of picture)“.

Photographers and hobbyists can then compete on the quest by uploading their picture for a chance to have their entry selected and earn the reward.

The Instimage Quest

We created an ever-going quest for our homepage background. We’ll be paying $25 (USD) to purchase every photo we like from our users’ uploads. So keep participating, because we’ll keep buying as long as we need new ones!
Click the following link to participate:
We will pay $25 for an awesome background picture for Instimage.com