Tag Archives: how-to

How to make money with Instimage?

So you take beautiful pictures? Do you want to make money selling them? We can help.

Instimage works two ways.
1. You can go the “traditional” route, browsing quests, looking for the ones that interest you, snap some photos and upload them up.
2. Snap some great pictures, create quests matching the description of your photos, and upload them to your own quests!
If they’re interesting, the Internet will find them, and users will buy them!

What are you waiting for? Start something great!

What is Instimage?

Instimage is a next-generation, non-stock photography marketplace for photographers, hobbyists, and agencies.

How do you pronounce Instimage?

We pronounce it Ins – tee – mah – ge, a la French!

How does Instimage work?

What Instimage does is allow a user to create a “quest”.
Quests are requests in the form of:
“I will pay $(some amount) for a picture of (description of picture)“.

Photographers and hobbyists can then compete on the quest by uploading their picture for a chance to have their entry selected and earn the reward.

The Instimage Quest

We created an ever-going quest for our homepage background. We’ll be paying $25 (USD) to purchase every photo we like from our users’ uploads. So keep participating, because we’ll keep buying as long as we need new ones!
Click the following link to participate:
We will pay $25 for an awesome background picture for Instimage.com